Russian pancakes

russian pancakes

are very popular in Russia.
How to cook Russian pancakes( blini):

You can make blini from flour made from wheat, buckwheat or oats.

1.) Heat 200 grammes of milk or water, dissolve 20 grammes of fresh yeast in it, add 250 grammes of flour and mix the thick batter well.

2.)Leave it to stand for 2-3 hours in a warm place, and when it has risen, add 40 grammes of melted butter, a teaspoonful of salt, a tablespoonful of sugar, an egg and 250 grammes of flour, and mix well.

3.) Then dilute with 600 grammes of warm milk and leave to stand in a warm place.

4.)When the batter has risen, beat it down, and leave it to rise again. Now you are ready to cook the bli­ni.

5.)Heat a small frying-pan with a long handle, rub with butter, pour in some batter and swirl the pan lightly to spread it evenly.

6.)When one side is cooked, turn the pancake over and cook the other side. This is not as easy as it sounds.

7.)The first blin might be thick and ugly, but don't worry: it is nol for nothing that the Russian proverb says, 'The first pancake is always a flop. After the first two or three, your pancakes will be thin, golden and good to look at.

Blini are oflen served with red and black caviare and salted fish, such as salmon, chum or herring. They can also be served with sour cream or melted butter. Many people like their blini sweet, and eat them with all kinds of jam and tea.